Wednesday, January 28, 2009

T-BOMB Experiment

While my roommate Wolfman and myself were visiting our local General Nutrition Center (GNC) in Manhattan's lovely Towne Center Mall he happed upon a product. This product PEAKED our interest, and created a BURNING desire within me to have a little "social experiment."
The product as you may have guessed by now is named T-BOMB. This product is a supplement. "What kind of supplement ranger?" you might ask. in which i would respond . . . "a TESTOSTERONE supplement! HELL to the YA, BABY!!!!!" After a little math we discovered that there was a 28 day supply of T-BOMB which boasted not to "increase", not to "double", but to TRIPLE TESTOSTERONE levels in your body while reducing that pesky, woosy estrogen.
So the experiment . . . i decided that i will write one blog now discussing my general feelings and moods then for the next 28 day i will take these supplements and try to continue recording my thoughts/feelings/carnage(s) for as long as i am able to operate a computer without slipping into a fit of blind rage and throwing it and the toilet at a passing UPS van. I will then try to continue the blog if not incarcerated by this time to discuss the "downhill side" after the drug . . . i mean supplement runs out.
So your first question might be, "Is it safe?"
My response, "WHO CARES! its T!" But no seriously TESTOSTERONE has been found to be a "controlled substance" which means those taking these supplements could become addicted to TESTOSTERONE. That's right you heard it here it is addicting to be a male. Luckily i already am one so on to question two.
"Are you taking any precautionary measures."
answer "Yes." I would like to apologize in advance to all of those who deal with me regularly for any excessive "Manliness" i might exhibit during the course of this experiment. This is the cost of science, and i am willing to pay it (i certainly hope you are too). John i am sorry, but the whole "Fix thing" criteria of the job might not work for me especially if it doesn't fly after the first time. Secondly i have also discussed the experiment at length with one of my roommates. The others will unfortunately be part of the "control group" and will not be told until it is far to late to purchase helmets, cups, clubs, or even deadbolts.
"Any hypothesises?"
I believe that there will be heightened levels of aggression, and apathy. Most likely shorter amounts of patience and longer amounts of "Kick Ass." My desire for fruits and vegetables will reach an ALL TIME LOW while my red meat cravings will possibly send me casing cattle or jumping head long into one of those refrigerator displays at our local supermarket. Possibly the "supplement" would allow me to sleep less while hopelessly devastating more! Then the whole ego thing could be interesting too. Lets not forget hairiness or body odors, two other areas i am planning to see myself in peak performance in. Then of course flight is always a possibility as well.
Any further questions . . . alright let us begin.

Jan 28th 2009
i woke up late, went to work. Ended up a little frustrated at a closet i was painting, but no altercations. I proceeded to class uneventfully able to keep focused for a majority of the time. Then home to play shooting video games with moderate enjoyment and little to no bloodlust. Went shopping, then to the bars with Wolfman (slightly less interesting since i no longer drink), then to dillion's for lunch with Sledge. I bought a bunch of 5 tiny bananas which i am sure were a hybridization between cucumbers and cotton. Although i am upset with my purchase not so much as to express it physically. Then i returned home and eventually off to bed.


Unknown said...

This has an extreme Jekyll and Hyde feeling to it...good luck, buddy.

Jeff said...

i'm scared

Jeff said...

you can see it in my picture

Liz.EJ.Lizzard.Elizabeth. said...

you so don't need any increases in testerone, you crazy man!

luke said...

this will be...incredible! you should make a documentary about it with morgan spurlock and get some money out of it! or at the very least keep those detailed updates. very fun.

Jo N. said...

after this you may have to change the name of your blog... as apparently: ranger does NOT think!